Tuesday, May 20, 2008

More than just waterpark adventures

Here are the kids petting our horse "Barney" before he takes us on a ride through the beautiful Amish country of Shipshewana.
What a cute couple they make! My sister Sheila and brother in law Jeremy.

Not such a bad looking couple ourselves. haha

Madison and Marissa got to ride in front with the nice driver the first half of our trip. Then they let Austin and Makayla ride up there for the second half. It was so beautiful and peaceful on our carriage ride. Everyone out there had beautiful houses, gardens and farms with horses, cows, chickens and pigs in the yards. We thought it was funny when we saw a house with a buggy parked in the driveway right next to a decked out pick up truck.

Here are the kids looking at fish in a pond while waiting for our carriage ride. Notice the buggies in the background. They wouldn't stop pointing at every buggy that passed by even though they were everywhere!
Here we are with our cool water slide cake that Sheila brought to the hotel. Neat looking cake and quite delicious too I might add.

Austin was quite excited to get Mario Cart for the Wii. I admit I've let him be a bit of a video game junkie since receiving this game on Saturday. He loves it!!!!

We went to the arcade in the hotel Saturday morning. Austin won 100 tickets on the Deal or No Deal game! I don't mean to brag, but someone did win 200 tickets on that game that day as well.

We also hit the ice cream shop in the hotel late Saturday night when they had karaoke and dance party for the kids. That hotel really had everything you need for a family vacation. Hope you enjoyed our pictures!


Sheila said...

We have to get you guys connected on-line so the kids can play Mario Kart against each other!

Melanie said...

um, per chance, is the person who won 200 tickets you?? lol! great pictures, love that cake, very cool! we used to go the amish country when we were about your kid's ages. brings back good memories! they used to have this giant trampoline next to the county store and it was a big deal to go jump on it. you just had to step around the horse manueur to get on it! good times..

Unknown said...

Such great pictures of everybody!! Looks like it was a blast.
Ahhh...miss the buggys from Nappanee, bring back such memories...remember who lived in that town? ha!!

Sam and Jen said...

I think my favorite picture is the one with the girls sitting in the front of the buggy and Brian's face in the bottom of the picture. He looks like "huh?". LOL!