Sunday, May 25, 2008


What a busy weekend it has been for Austin. First he turned 10 years old on Saturday. We pretty much already celebrated with him at the waterpark, but Nana and Papa did come over and bring pizza. He also requested brownies instead of a cake. He talked his sister into giving him the present from her while they were still in their PJ's early Saturday morning. Austin is super excited about the fact that both sets of grandparents pitched in to order him a new backboard for his basketball rim. The plexi glass broke recently and he hasn't been able to play. Thanks to all of you who sent cards, gifts and called him to say "Happy Birthday"

Secondly, Austin recently finished up Lifebuilding classes at our church, Suncrest. It's a 5 week class that talks about our faith and why we believe what we believe. A couple years ago Austin started asking us questions about God and ended up making a decision at that point to become a christian. At the end of Lifebuilding classes he told us he'd like to be baptised. Brian was lucky enough to be the one to baptise Austin. We are so proud of him and are excited to see what God has in store for his life.


Sheila said...

Wow...what a big weekend for Austin! The girls couldn't wait to call Austin that morning and sing Happy Birthday!

Austin, I am so glad that you made such an important decision to follow Christ! I'm praying for you!

Love you!
Aunt Sheila

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Austin!! Glad you were able to spread out the love and parties! I am proud about your baptism too! God loves you and so do I!

Melanie said...

So proud of Austin, a very fulfilling birthday! I can't believe how old our boys are getting.