Thursday, April 17, 2008

Poetry Fair

Roses are red violets are blue
my kid was picked for the poetry fair, how about you?
Just kidding... I'm not one of those arrogant parents. But I am very proud of Madison for being chosen to read her poem at her school's annual poetry fair this year. They choose only 2 children from each class and they have to recite them in front of an audience. It was really strange to see Madison a little nervous and dare I say shy! Any of you who know Madison well know that she is NOT shy.
Madison requests that any comments you leave for her have to rhyme. She'll be checking...


Unknown said...

Madi Oh Madi, I do love to rhyme.
It just seems that I don't have the time.
I hope you did well at reading your poem!
I bet afterward you ran right home!
I can't wait to hear it, I can't wait to see...what a beautiful poet you'll turn out to be!

Sam and Jen said...

Your outfit was cute, your hair perfect too, what an exciting day this looked like for you. I wish I lived closer so I could have been there, but I sure am proud that you took on this dare. I can't think of more now so just let me say; your beauty and smarts, made best blog of the day.

Melanie said...

madi you're great, madi you're fine, madi you are so funny for making us rhyme!
It's so good to see you, doing so well, i really miss you, i hope you can tell.
I need to come visit some time real soon, i hope i can stay again in your ultra cool room!

Anonymous said...

ok, WOW...those people are good, I on the other hand really stink at poetry!!! So i'll just leave a few words that rhyme for you later Madi, for now I want to say how proud an aunt I am that you were picked, you GO GIRL!!
~Aunt Cassy

p.s....Flounder, hounder, sounder, bounder, grounder and UMmmmm POOP!
(How was that?)