Friday, April 18, 2008

I Feel the Earth Move Under My Feet...

I might as well blog about the earthquake that hit us this morning since that doesn't happen out here very often. I woke up at 4:39 am to the sound of what I thought was one of the kids walking around. (we have hardwood floors and I wake up often from the creaking sounds) I thought maybe one of the kids was using the bathroom, so I called out an no one answered. Then I laid back down and remember feeling the bed shaking. I think I was so out of it that I thought I was trembling from a bad dream, so I rolled over and went back to sleep. Then I saw the news in the morning that an earthquake hit us around 4:30 am. I wish I was wide awake to experience the earthquake a little more. Anyone else feel the quake?


Sheila said...

Well I guess we can now say even an earthquake won't wake us! Can you believe we slept right through it! It is weird to think that even over here in Ohio we felt the tremors.

Sam and Jen said...

I'm glad you're ok. Weird.

Anonymous said...

No shaking in Griffith.

Bud & Mary said...

hey there Amber, there was shaking out here in Cal. Township/Griffith.. I awoke at 4:40 to my bed really shaking back and forth, the oddest feeling, but it had happened some years ago too. Sooo by the second shaking I knew what it was.. and then there was one last very slight rocking... AMAZING is all I can say.. Would not want to be closer to the epicenter for sure.
I enjoy all the young peoples Blogs... wish I had one sometimes/ or someone to "show" me how to do that. Later Mary Gulley.. Alias Gramma G.

Sarah V said...

We both woke up from it. Our bedroom door was shaking and Hank freaked out a little. It was kind of fun! Is that weird?