Thursday, April 24, 2008


Since moving to our new home in August we have met many awesome friends and neighbors. One family in particular we have become pretty close to has a son Austin's age and a daughter Madison's age. PERFECT! Not to mention we get along great with mom and dad. Madison and her best friend, Taylor go to GEMS every other Monday night at Taylor's church. They hear Bible stories and learn memory verses and make crafts and play games. They had a luau as an end of the year celebration. They were practicing their hula on my front porch. So cute!


Sam and Jen said...

sweet! wish I had a hoola skirt. Don't know where I'd wear it but I'd find a way.

Sheila said...

Madi - you and your friend look so cute! How fun that you two get to go to GEMS together!

Melanie said...

oh man, when you move into a new neighborhood, you dream of a scenario like that! in the words of napoleon dynamite.."Lucky!"

Unknown said...

Ahhh! Best buddies! Can't wait to see prom pictures! ;)