Friday, April 25, 2008

30 Days

So this year for my birthday I will be turning the big 30!! I'm not exactly dreading it, yet I'm not really looking forward to it either. The other day I got a package in the mail with my name on it. After I ripped the box to shreds trying to open it (I'm such a kid) I found 30 gifts of all sizes all wrapped up in a box with a note that said Read outside of card before you open it or anything else! The outside of the card explained that I could wait until my 30th b-day to open all the gifts (no fun to wait) or open one each day of the month leading up to my birthday. (much better) So I thought it would be fun to line all the numbered packages up on my dresser where I get ready in the morning so I can remember to open one up each morning. Jenny you are such an awesome friend for putting so much time and energy into this box of fun for me. It's already helped me get excited about turning 30. I will try and do my best with being good and only opening one each day. I said "try" I can't promise anything. This is me, the girl who opened up all my Christmas presents under the tree one year when I was home sick and my family was at my dad's work holiday party.


Jessica said...

That is so awesome! And the funny thing is, I was already thinking it was Jen that sent it before you mentioned it was her. So creative! (And I'm not even confident I'll get a card from my husband for my first mother's day - trying not to get my hopes up only to be dissappointed!) I bet it feels great to be loved and remembered! Have fun opening, and good job Jenny!

Melanie said...

what a great idea! that IS a good friend! coming from another good friend who knows you, i'm betting on you opening them before the 30 days are up! but the fact that you still have unopened presents as we speak goes to show you have more self control than me.. embrace 30's the new 20!

Sam and Jen said...

Don't you dare open any of your presents early! I will be so mad if you do. And don't think I won't know. I have spies out there. MEOW!

Unknown said...

WOW!! That is an amazing idea! Now I will have to think of something clever to keep up. you have a great idea for any of your future girlfriends who MIGHT be turning 30 a month or so after you...right? jk!

Brian M. Gulley said...

like i said to jessica, ha ha your old!!! but in all reality you have been old for a long time. having kids makes you old! amen? ya i'm right