Monday, December 8, 2008

Poker/potluck party

We started with a potluck dinner and white elephant gift exchange. The quesadilla maker made yet another appearance. Somehow we ended up with it because it also came with a Pirates of Caribbean DVD, so Brian stole that gift from Lisa and gave up the candles he opened.
Julia and Miles hanging out together with Jessica while the rest of us played poker. Cute couple, don't ya think? Julia even gave Miles a hug before she left that night.

Newly engaged... Kristi and Jason. Congratulations you guys!!!!

Kelly and Tony

Lisa and Carl

John, Jessica and Julia. So glad you guys could join us!!!

Sarah with her invisible husband. Dustin became very ill and had to leave before we even got the party started. We all missed him that night.

Henry and Traci


Melanie said...

yeah!!!! if you could see me right now, i'm doing the "steph updated her blog happy dance.." i can't believe those huge things are full of sugar! that's amamzing. i wish i could have been at the poker/potluck party, when oh when can we live close??

Unknown said...

You are back baby!! Great pics! Can't wait to see the kitchen and tape off the stripe...should probably do that before we drink the bucket o'margaritas! ha!

Sam and Jen said...

Hurrah for Holiday parties! Looks like you guys had a great time. Funny about the quesadilla maker.