Tuesday, December 30, 2008

More Missouri Pictures

My uncle Harold and cousin Skyler
Me and Grandma!

My uncles discovering a hunting type game on the wii!

We always take a walk with our aunt Pam when we go down to Missouri. She took us up the hill by the old goat house. The kids were climbing on the hay bales so we decided to take a picture.

Austin taking careful aim.
I'm so happy we were able to make it down to Missouri for Christmas this year. You never know what the weather will be like traveling this time of year. Little icy to start out our trip and lots of fog to drive through on our way home. It was worth it to be with everyone together on the farm. I won't lie... it was very tough at times. I know my Grandpa was looking down at all of us. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas with their families. Happy New Year to you all!!!

1 comment:

Sheila said...

I'm so glad you finally posted some pictures, I have been waiting to see these!! Wish we were there!