Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rain Rain on my face

The kids had fun playing in my parents' street when it flooded. We were on our way to pick up the kids from their house when they called to tell us that we'd have to park our car and wade through water to get to them because the street was flooded and water was coming up the drain in their garage.
This was what was left of the back part of their yard.
Luckily our house is dry, but down the street the neighbors weren't so lucky. There is a creek that runs through our subdivision so when we get a ton of rain (especially 4 days straight) it floods pretty bad.
Brian and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary on Friday by having a weekend getaway at a resort and spa. We had planned to go to the beach where Brian proposed to me and go hiking and go there at night to watch the stars. Obviously NONE of that took place this weekend due to the weather. We did enjoy just getting away and being together. We had a couples massage and ticklish Brian giggled through most of it. Thanks mom and dad for taking the kids for us while we escaped for a few days.


Melanie said...

Happy Anniversary you guys! That is crazy about the rain, yikes!

Powell Family said...

Did you have trouble getting home with all the flooding?

Sam and Jen said...

Wow! I hope you don't get any more rain this week so it will dry up fast. So crazy. Those pictures really put it into perspective.

The Sandoval Family said...

it took us SOOO long to get home. most of the expressway was stopped because of flooding ahead. so we got off on the burr exit and made our way to my parents. then getting from their house home took at least double the time it usually takes because of all the road closures everywhere. r u guys flooded?

Powell Family said...

No, we're not flooded thank goodness! Blaine's parents got water in their basement though.

Anonymous said...

Wqw! you guys are luckie you did not get any in the house, its good you are up on that hill.I can't till that is you'r moms yard, so soory. On a good note Happy Happy Anniversary to you both.Love you all see you all soon,Mom S

Unknown said...

Wow, that is alot of water. Hope you had a good little getaway! Wish the weather could have been nicer for you.

Sheila said...

I still can't believe all of the rain you guys had.

Glad you 2 were able to get away for your anniversary, I think that is so important for a marriage to take time for just the 2 of you!! Your spouse needs to know he/she is priority even over the kids!

Anonymous said...
