Sunday, March 9, 2008

Hippity Hoppity, Easter's on its way!

There was nothing I could do to talk Austin into being in this picture with Madison. I'm so sad that he is getting too old for this kind of stuff. Madison, however, was talking about the Easter Bunny Breakfast at her school ALL WEEK LONG!!! They had some games in the gym, face painting, raffles, breakfast and of course pictures with the Easter Bunny.


Unknown said...

Hey! Finally saw the V8 blog! Love the picture of Jaci! The easter bunny is a little scary but Madison looks great! Keep hoppin!

Sheila said...

Madison I can't believe how big you look next to the Easter Bunny and your hair has gotten so long! You look so pretty!

Sarah V said...

Come on, Austin! The easter bunny is no longer obligated to bring you candy if you won't take a picture with him!

Sam and Jen said...

Someone hired the Easter Bunny to come see me at school when I was a junior in high school. I was really embarrassed. I'm glad Madi isn't a junior in high school. She can still enjoy that kind of stuff!