Thursday, July 16, 2009


This is my friend, Melinda, with her 2 adorable children. We've known each other since high school and have been through so much together. Mel lives in Indy so we get to have weekend visits with each other from time to time.
I also got to visit with another friend from high school while Melinda was in town, but forgot to take a picture of her. Sorry Sumera! But here are all of our kids together!

I'm always excited when my friend Jenny gets to come in town to visit. She lives in Missouri now and I miss hanging out with her as much as we use to when she lived here. We had a girls trip to Chicago before she flew back home. (see our reflection in the bean?)

This is looking down from the glass balcony at the top of the Sears Tower. Technically it's called the Willis Tower now...but I don't see that catching on anytime soon.

I feel so blessed to have so many close friends in my life!


Unknown said...

We had so much fun on our little weekend adventure, too bad the kids were crab cakes and the sun wasn't shining at the beach!
i am soooo blessed to have you as a friend! love you and miss you ALL the time!

Melanie said...

Love the pictures and that you got to see Mel and Sumi! You guys are lucky to see each other often! SOOO looking forward to seeing you next month I can hardly stand it. Love that Sears Tower picture, so cool!