Saturday, June 23, 2007

Tea Party

Madison decided to throw a tea party and invite her two friends that live across the street from us. She was very busy all morning with the preparations. She washed all her tea party dishes, made placemats for each girl, picked daisies from our garden to put in a vase on the table and even helped me make the sandwiches and snacks. After the tea party they made a craft, watched a princess movie, played "hide the tea bags" (thanks for the idea Sheila) and have been playing school and house the rest of the afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Madi, Can we have a tea party the next time I come to town? That looks like fun. I want to get all dressed up and have somewhere to go. Great job junior hostess. Like mother, like daughter!

Anonymous said...

To cute for words!

Unknown said...

Very impressive Sandoval ladies! I am excited for Lilly to grow up to have tea parties with her too...I am sure Lucas wouldn't mind tea parties either b/c their is food involved! (but I don't see Tim getting too excited about them)

Sarah V said...

How stinking cute is she! I just love that kid.