Wednesday, September 16, 2009

11 Years

It's strange how fast 11 years of marriage go by! We celebrated together by going to a new restaurant in Cedar Lake called The Lighthouse! The food and atmosphere was wonderful!! We didn't even mind the hour and a half wait since we were enjoying just having time alone. Mom and dad watched the kids so we could have the night to ourselves. Can you believe we didn't even mention the kids' names for the whole evening??? Wow, what an accomplishment for us.


Jessica said...

I've heard a lot of good things about that place, maybe we'll try it sometime.
And congratulations on 11 years, time does go fast. And a marriage is definately a lot of work, so making it to 11 years shows a serious committment for both of you, you should be proud.
I remember going out to eat with another couple last year, without Julia for like the first time since she'd been born. They didn't have kids and I disn't want to talk about my kid the whole time, and I found out how boring I am when I can't talk about Julia! I had nothing to say. It was a kinda awkward quiet dinner. So...good for you, making conversation about something other than the kids!

Sam and Jen said...

Congrats you two! Glad you had a nice evening together to celebrate!

Sarah V said...

11 years! That's nuts. Wow, time flies. I still remember having you two on three way calls. Brian would ask me to ask you something and you would answer and I'd have to switch back and forth between you. Soooo long ago! :)

melanie said...

Where does the time go?? Congrats you guys!! Miss you!

Jamie said...
